Denarius, type 2, var 4 (CARLVS REX FR . monogram Karolus)

Obverse legend
Reverse legend

CARLVS REX FR (circular legend with the letter S inclined, around a cross surrounded by a circle made up of dots and crossed by another cross. A cross between FR and CARLVS).

DORESTADO (circular legend with the letter S inclined, around the Karolus monogram (2) surrounded by a circle made up of dots, a cross between the letters O and D. One globule in the first letter O).

One copy preserved at the Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen of Berlin, link to the page of their website showing the photo of the coin:


Monograms Karolus:

(1) Without letter A in the diamond on the middle. All letters inscribed normally.

(2) With the letter A in the diamond on the middle. All letters inscribed normally.

(3) Without letter A in the middle. The letters K and R inscribed normally, the letter S retrograde, the letter L inscribed normally.


We see four globules arranged at each angle of the middle cross, they are interconnected, which strongly resembles a cross. So I chose to note this detail as being another cross on the obverse. This copy of Berlin is the only coin, on the whole coinage of this mint for Charlemagne that I could observe, which has a globule in the first letter O on the reverse. Similarly, it is still the only one to have a letter A in the monogram.

G F XF 40 AU 58 MS 63 MS 65
1 ? ? ? ? ? ?

Seems never to have gone on sale.