Denier, type 4, var 1 (M&TOLO)

Obverse legend
Reverse legend

CARo _ LVS (inscribed in two lines, the letter V resembling a Y, one globule between the letters A and Y).

M&TOLO (circular legend around a cross with a hollow in the center).

Photo of a coin sold by iNumis, link to the sale:, link to their website:


Another coin sold by Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A., link to the sale and their website: Globule probably erased by wear.


Two others copies at the Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen of Berlin, link to the page of their website showing the photo of the first coin: Link to the second coin: All these specimens, as well as the one sold by Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A. have a very small globule and even sometimes erased, however it seems that it is the same obverse die. A blocked die or wear has made the globule disappear.


Another currency sold by Auctiones GmbH, shows more clearly the letter V in the shape of Y. Link to the sale:


Legend difficult to read, the letters are mixed. I agree with the opinion of Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A. which gives the legend METOLO. Comment from Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A. à propos du revers: ''avec & pour ET et L en forme de hameçon''. traduction: with & for ET and L in the shape of a hook.

G F XF 40 AU 58 MS 63 MS 65
1 600 1.000 2.000 ? ? ?